Insurance Industry
“Growth at an exceptional rate is a red flag in banking. It is hard enough to manage an ordinary bank; to control a sprouting weed is well-nigh impossible. If loans are expanding too quickly, the lending officers have probably been saying ‘yes’ too frequently.”
— James Grant
The Insurance industry faces fundamental changes on several fronts: markets are changing, customer habits are evolving thanks to the availability of data, there is a demand for better service, regulatory uncertainty prevails, the online and mobile environments are playing a critical role in the future of business and competition from non-traditional players is growing. The industry is at the cusp of major transformation, with technology playing a larger role in growth and profitability.
How we help ?
Yugen extensive global experience in Life & Annuities as well as Property & Casualty Insurance has helped improve business by:
- Developing a single view of the customer, thereby improving customer service and cross sell/upsell ability
- Increasing conversion rates
- Reducing support and maintenance costs of legacy systems by 50%